All Things Boudoir

To Feel Sexy
So you feel sexy, or maybe you don’t. BOTH of those are reasons you should do a boudoir session. If you’re feeling sexy, now is one of the best times to book a session! You’ll want to remember feeling like this and document it. To have it for years to come and to look back on and know the feeling you felt at your finest.
Maybe due to COVID (or just life in general), you've gained a few dreaded pounds. Maybe it's that special someone's birthday and you would love to give them an incredible gift but are terrified to receive your images back and feel worse about yourself that when we started this adventure. I've been there. TRUST ME, I got you girl.
To me, Boudoir is a feeling. It is an experience. I want you to not only LOVE your images. But love the experience. I want to be your cheerleader, your girl squad, the one to bring you up when your feeling low, to push you outside your comfort zone, to push you for new experiences. To make you wholeheartedly feel sexy again.
So Why Should You Book A Session?
Society is constantly showing us images of the beauty in the world. That can be intimidating. VERY intimidating. REAL bodies have stretch marks, cellulite, even that young girl you once were, as skinny as she was, had a few rolls. That's okay. That's normal. I want to show you the beautiful version of yourself that you overlook due to focusing on your insecurities. I want to remind you how beautiful you are and to help you lean to love yourself.
Maybe you never loved your body, maybe you did in the past, regardless, I want you to leave my session, loving yourself.
To Let Loose
It is such an incredible experience! I am a woman too (and I have birthed two beautiful babies). This is a judgement free zone. Come as you are. You will be accepted. Before you know it you will be parading around nude on a rooftop in the middle of the day, wishing you had done this years ago.


You Deserve It
Yes, I said it. YOU DESERVE IT.
So put on that lipstick girl, and bring out our inner goddess. I know she's in there.
Do you want to see a little more of what I do? Some of my amazing previous clients have granted me permission to share because they not only loved their images. But they loved the experience. In hopes that it would inspire YOU to take the leap and do a little something for yourself.
You know you want to!
Feel free to browse both my Female Boudoir Gallery or My Couples Boudoir Gallery.